Tuesday 11 February 2025, 2.30 p.m., Room U1.3, first floor of the Department of Chemical and Geological Sciences, via Campi 103, Modena

“MOLECOLE” is a public event, open to UNIMORE professors and students and to all citizens, dedicated to the figure of Prof. Ulderico Segre, who died prematurely when he was Full Professor of Physical Chemistry at the Department of Chemistry at UniMORE.

Prof. Ulderico Segre was a leading figure in the University’s chemistry community from his arrival at the University of Padua until his sudden death in 2008. During this period, in addition to giving numerous lectures on chemical-physical topics, he held important institutional roles at UNIMORE. In particular, he was President of the degree programme in Chemistry and Chemical Sciences and helped to define their current organisation and teaching structure. Moreover, in 2005 he was one of the promoters of the launch of the Scientific Degrees Project, promoted by MIUR and Confindustria, to foster the academic study of basic scientific subjects (Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Materials Science) and was the first national coordinator of the Scientific Degrees Project – Chemistry, until his death. The importance of Prof. Ulderico Segre’s work was such that the “National School of Educational Research and Chemical Didactics”, organised annually by the Italian Chemical Society, is named after him.

During the first part of the event, Prof. Ledi Menabue and Prof. Alfonso Pedone (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia), Prof. Donatella Carbonera (University of Padua), Prof. Ugo Cosentino (University of Milan Bicocca and Coordinator of the National Plan for Scientific Degrees – Chemistry Area) and Prof. Segre’s family members will outline his scientific, academic and human figure. This will be followed by a public screening of the documentary film “MOLECOLE”, directed by Andrea Segre, Ulderico’s son and internationally renowned director, and presented on the pre-opening night of the 77th Venice International Film Festival in 2020. The film describes how the lockdown caused by the pandemic returned Venice to its nature and history, but the real protagonist of the film is Prof. Ulderico Segre, thanks to the archive of Super8 films he shot, which form the thread of the narrative. Andrea Segre will introduce the screening of “MOLECOLE” and answer questions from the audience about the work and the figure of his father.


2:30 – 2:40 p.m.   Greetings and opening remarks
2:40 – 3:30 p.m.   The figure of Ulderico Segre, speakers: Prof. Ledi Menabue, Prof. Alfonso Pedone, Prof. Donatella Carbonera, Prof. Ugo Cosentino, Andrea Segre.
3:30 – 5 p.m.   Screening of the documentary film “MOLECOLE” preceded by a presentation of the work by director Andrea Segre .

“MOLECOLES”: an event dedicated to the memory of Prof. Ulderico Segre