Celebration of the 50th Anniversary of CIGS – Centro Interdipartimentale Grandi Strumenti (Interdepartmental Centre of Large Instruments)
Department of Physical, Computer and Mathematical Sciences
Room L1.1 Via Giuseppe Campi 213/A, Modena
The Interdepartmental Centre of Large Instruments (CIGS) of the University of Modena and
Reggio Emilia celebrates its fiftieth anniversary with a conference to be held on the 20th
November in room L1.1 of the Department of Physical, Computer and Mathematical Sciences
An event designed to retrace the Centre’s contribution to research
science, training and collaboration with public and private bodies.
The Centre was founded in 1974 with the aim of providing advanced technological support to academic and scientific research
, a role it has consolidated over time thanks to its
advanced instrumentation and highly qualified technical staff. Located at the
university campus in Modena, CIGS provides resources including
electron and scanning probe microscopes, organic and inorganic mass spectrometers, spectroscopes and
optical microscopes, nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometers and X-ray diffractometers. These
instruments, which are used in a variety of scientific fields, offer analytical solutions in a variety of fields of
application. CIGS staff support users in the use of analytical instrumentation,
in data processing, sample preparation and interpretation of results: this has
ensured a very high level of service over the years.
In addition to its technical support activities, the Centre collaborates in the realisation of training courses
for students, PhD students and young researchers, through specific courses on the use of the tools and
thematic workshops: these events contribute to the dissemination of specialised skills
and stimulate the comparison of different scientific disciplines.